Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Alzheimer’s - Ironic Gene

Alzheimer-DiseaseThe researchers have found that the genetic variant linked to Alzheimer's disease is also capable of improving the brain function of carriers.
The results were beyond expectations, even for Duke Han, who has been researching on Alzheimer's disease for the last four years. He examined epsilon 4, which is a variant of a particular gene known as apolipoprotein E.
It was examined that people who had APOE, epsilon 4 allele, would do worse after a head injury just because it seems to be associated with Alzheimer's disease.
But the result was quite contrary to what was expected. The people who possessed this particular genetic trait actually fared better, as compared to the ones who did not.
It was also added that young and energetic students having epsilon 4 variant are capable of fetching better school marks and can memorize things faster.
Professor Han unveils the fact that certain genes can be beneficial in the earlier span of life and can prove harmful later on in life. We can call it "ironic gene".
Lynette Moore from Alzheimer's Australia says, " It's a real irony that the gene variant which seems to cause a greater risk of dementia in older age actually may help younger people, that same gene".

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