Sunday, May 2, 2010

Eye Blinking Signs Woolgathering

Eye Blinking.Sensed an unwanted barrier between you and your surroundings, even when your mind is in attention? That’s when your eyelids provide this barrier and tend to blink too much, not interested to see the world, a research by Neuroscientists said.
When 15 volunteers were tested to read a book on the computer screen, a sensor was put up to record their eye movements and the time and frequency of each eye flicker. This experiment became successful to check the focus of the participants in reading, in accordance to the number of blinks their eye does. Whenever the partakers blinked their eyes constantly, it was a sign of wandering of their minds from reading.
Neuroscientist Dr. Daniel Smilek , University of Waterloo in Ontario, Canada, said, "What we suggest is that when you start to mind-wander, you start to gate the information even at the sensory endings – you basically close your eyelid so there's less information coming into the brain".
This study has led to a swing over how scientists used to think about the human mind. Both the mind and the body are in its place and aren’t ignorant about the world, but its only when your eyes start closing by itself too often, you realize that your thoughts too, are roving. The journal Psychological Science publishes the research.

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